243 of 1042 PRAIRIE/2013_08_16   Aug 18, 2013 Arrowhead Park   DANADA/2013_08_19 245 of 1042
Eastern Carpenter Bee on False Dragonhead
Eastern Carpenter Bee
Xylocopa virginica
(Common Whitetail) female oviposits
Common Whitetail
Plathemis lydia
inaturalist bugguide
(Common Whitetail) male chasing female
Common Whitetail
Plathemis lydia
inaturalist bugguide
(Common Whitetail) male flying
Common Whitetail
Plathemis lydia
inaturalist bugguide
(Eastern Carpenter Bee) flying
Eastern Carpenter Bee
Xylocopa virginica

Biotic species by taxon: Hymenoptera, Damselflies

Peter 2.0 root Root inaturalist 5 photos this page.
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0