Land Birds 1 - Land Birds 2

Other Singers: 53 species, 242 photos
Ammodramus henslowii
Henslow's Sparrow
(Henslow's Sparrow) perching perching

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
Amphispiza bilineata
Black-throated Sparrow
(Black-throated Sparrow) dorsal dorsal

May 28, 2021
Dreamy Draw, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
(Black-throated Sparrow) perching perching

May 28, 2021
Dreamy Draw, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
(Black-throated Sparrow) singing singing

May 28, 2021
Dreamy Draw, Arizona

inaturalist ebird facebook
Junco hyemalis
Dark-eyed Junco
(Dark-eyed Junco) female feeding female feeding

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) male front male front

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) male standing male standing

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) Oregon juvenile Oregon juvenile

Jun 3, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) Oregon juvenile Oregon juvenile

Jun 4, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) Oregon male Oregon male

Jun 4, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) Oregon juvenile Oregon juvenile

Jun 6, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) Oregon juvenile perching Oregon juvenile perching

Jun 6, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) Oregon male Oregon male

Jun 6, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) male male

Apr 21, 2022
Arrowhead Park

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) male male

Oct 7, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Dark-eyed Junco) male male

Jan 14, 2023
Bell Rock Trail, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Melospiza georgiana
Swamp Sparrow
(Swamp Sparrow) standing standing

May 13, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird
Melospiza lincolnii
Lincoln's Sparrow
(Lincoln's Sparrow) profile profile

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Lincoln's Sparrow) standing standing

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Lincoln's Sparrow) feeding feeding

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Lincoln's Sparrow) hopping hopping

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Melospiza melodia
Song Sparrow
(Song Sparrow) male singing male singing

Jul 19, 2014
Blackwell Nursery Workday

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Song Sparrow) male male

May 21, 2015
Great Blue Heron Rookery

inaturalist ebird
(Song Sparrow) beach beach

Apr 17, 2016
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Song Sparrow) caterpillar caterpillar

Jul 9, 2016
Arrowhead Park

inaturalist ebird
(Song Sparrow) juvenile perching juvenile perching

Apr 28, 2017
McDowell Grove Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Song Sparrow) singing singing

Jun 22, 2020
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird facebook
Melozone aberti
Abert's Towhee
(Abert's Towhee) perching perching

Jan 27, 2023
Encore Clubhouse, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Abert's Towhee) singing singing

Jan 27, 2023
Encore Clubhouse, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Abert's Towhee) profile profile

Jan 30, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Melozone crissalis
California Towhee
(California Towhee) calling calling

Jun 7, 2017
Huntington Library, San Marino

inaturalist ebird
(California Towhee) feeding feeding

Jun 7, 2017
Huntington Library, San Marino

inaturalist ebird facebook
(California Towhee) profile profile

Jun 7, 2017
Huntington Library, San Marino

inaturalist ebird
(California Towhee) standing standing

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird
(California Towhee) perched perched

Feb 12, 2024
Torrey Pines Gliderport, CA

inaturalist ebird
(California Towhee) standing standing

Jul 26, 2024
Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, CA

Melozone fusca
Canyon Towhee
(Canyon Towhee) dorsal dorsal

May 4, 2022
Sky Islands Grill & Grocery, NM

inaturalist ebird
(Canyon Towhee) lateral lateral

May 4, 2022
Sky Islands Grill & Grocery, NM

inaturalist ebird
Passerella iliaca
Fox Sparrow
(Fox Sparrow) litter litter

Apr 10, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Eastern Towhee
(Eastern Towhee) male perching male perching

Jun 26, 2016
Claude Moore Park, VA

inaturalist ebird
Spizella passerina
Chipping Sparrow
(Chipping Sparrow) hopping hopping

May 5, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Chipping Sparrow) standing standing

Apr 28, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Chipping Sparrow) standing standing

Apr 24, 2016
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird
(Chipping Sparrow) perching perching

Apr 27, 2020

(Chipping Sparrow) perching perching

May 14, 2020

inaturalist ebird
(Chipping Sparrow) arizonae arizonae

Jan 14, 2023
Bell Rock Trail, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Spizella pusilla
Field Sparrow
(Field Sparrow) sings sings

Apr 25, 2014
Springbrook Prairie

inaturalist ebird
(Field Sparrow) on Common Spiderwort on Common Spiderwort

Jun 8, 2016
Fermilab, Batavia

inaturalist ebird
(Field Sparrow) perching perching

Jun 8, 2016
Fermilab, Batavia

inaturalist ebird
(Field Sparrow) singing singing

Jun 8, 2016
Fermilab, Batavia

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Field Sparrow) winging winging

Jun 8, 2016
Fermilab, Batavia

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Field Sparrow) standing standing

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(Field Sparrow) perching perching

Apr 10, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Spizelloides arborea
American Tree Sparrow
(American Tree Sparrow) drinking drinking

Feb 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Tree Sparrow) standing standing

Feb 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Zonotrichia albicollis
White-throated Sparrow
(White-throated Sparrow) forages forages

May 13, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird
(White-throated Sparrow) perching perching

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(White-throated Sparrow) standing standing

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(White-throated Sparrow) singing singing

Apr 24, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird facebook
(White-throated Sparrow) feeding feeding

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(White-throated Sparrow) perching perching

May 12, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Zonotrichia capensis
Rufous-collared Sparrow
(Rufous-collared Sparrow) juvenile juvenile

Jul 20, 2015
Machu Picchu, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Rufous-collared Sparrow) standing standing

Jul 24, 2015
Cusco, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Rufous-collared Sparrow) standing standing

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Rufous-collared Sparrow) feeds feeds

Oct 23, 2019
Puente del Inca, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Rufous-collared Sparrow) standing standing

Oct 23, 2019
Puente del Inca, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Rufous-collared Sparrow) chilensis chilensis

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
(Rufous-collared Sparrow) perched perched

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
Zonotrichia leucophrys
White-crowned Sparrow
(White-crowned Sparrow) frontal frontal

May 13, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) front front

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) profile profile

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) singing singing

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(White-crowned Sparrow) perching perching

May 12, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) standing standing

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) standing standing

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) standing standing

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) gambelii gambelii

Jan 11, 2023
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(White-crowned Sparrow) crown crown

Feb 12, 2024
Torrey Pines Gliderport, CA

inaturalist ebird
Passer domesticus
House Sparrow
(House Sparrow) female female

May 25, 2015
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) flocking flocking

Feb 6, 2016

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) male singing male singing

Mar 24, 2016
National Mall, DC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) female feeding chicks female feeding chicks

Aug 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) female standing female standing

Feb 18, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) male cruising male cruising

Feb 18, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) female female

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) dance dance

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) female female

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) male male

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) female female

Mar 23, 2018
Alhambra Palace Granada, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) female female

Mar 24, 2018
Madrid Prado Museum, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) male male

Mar 24, 2018
Madrid Prado Museum, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Sparrow) male juvenile male juvenile

Oct 7, 2019
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) female female

Apr 29, 2022
Mesa, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) male perching male perching

Oct 13, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) female perching female perching

Mar 26, 2023
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) male male

Apr 1, 2023
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel

inaturalist ebird
(House Sparrow) female female

Oct 13, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

(House Sparrow) female female

Oct 14, 2023
Athens, Greece

(House Sparrow) female perching female perching

Oct 15, 2023
Athens, Greece

(House Sparrow) juvenile male juvenile male

Oct 16, 2023
Mykonos, Greece

Passer montanus
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
(Eurasian Tree Sparrow) feeds feeds

Jun 15, 2017
Goritsy Monastery of St. Cyril

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Tree Sparrow) saturatus dorsal saturatus dorsal

Mar 18, 2024
Taipei Zoo, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Tree Sparrow) saturatus lateral saturatus lateral

Mar 18, 2024
Taipei Zoo, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Tree Sparrow) saturatus perching saturatus perching

Mar 18, 2024
Taipei Zoo, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Tree Sparrow) profile profile

Mar 20, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Tree Sparrow) standing standing

Mar 20, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Tree Sparrow) saturatus perching saturatus perching

Mar 21, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Cardellina canadensis
Canada Warbler
(Canada Warbler) male perching male perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  加拿大威尔逊森莺
Cardellina pusilla
Wilson's Warbler
(Wilson's Warbler) male perching male perching

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
(Wilson's Warbler) male male

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Geothlypis trichas
Common Yellowthroat
(Common Yellowthroat) male male

Jul 10, 2015
Hebron Trail, McHenry County

inaturalist ebird
(Common Yellowthroat) female female

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
(Common Yellowthroat) female front female front

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Common Yellowthroat) female perching female perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Icteria virens
Yellow-breasted Chat
(Yellow-breasted Chat) front front

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-breasted Chat) perching perching

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-breasted Chat) standing standing

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Leiothlypis peregrina
Tennessee Warbler
(Tennessee Warbler) perching perching

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Leiothlypis ruficapilla
Nashville Warbler
(Nashville Warbler) juvenile juvenile

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Mniotilta varia
Black-and-white Warbler
(Black-and-white Warbler) female female

May 24, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Black-and-white Warbler) creeping creeping

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Black-and-white Warbler) creeping creeping

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Black-and-white Warbler) lateral lateral

May 4, 2023
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga caerulescens
Black-throated Blue Warbler
(Black-throated Blue Warbler) male profile male profile

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga castanea
Bay-breasted Warbler
(Bay-breasted Warbler) juvenile juvenile

Oct 6, 2020
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga citrina
Hooded Warbler
(Hooded Warbler) male juvenile perching male juvenile perching

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga coronata
Yellow-rumped Warbler
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) female perched female perched

May 12, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) male perching male perching

May 12, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) female perching female perching

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) male perching male perching

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) juvenile male juvenile male

Oct 14, 2018
Devil's Lake, Baraboo

(Yellow-rumped Warbler) nonbreeding preching nonbreeding preching

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) nonbreeding standing nonbreeding standing

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) female perching female perching

Apr 16, 2020
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) female rump female rump

Apr 16, 2020
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) female belly female belly

May 6, 2020
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) male perching male perching

May 6, 2020
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) male profile male profile

May 6, 2020
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) male perching male perching

May 7, 2020
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-rumped Warbler) auduboni singing auduboni singing

Jan 24, 2023
Encore Clubhouse, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga magnolia
Magnolia Warbler
(Magnolia Warbler) male perching male perching

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
(Magnolia Warbler) male front male front

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Magnolia Warbler) male perching male perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Magnolia Warbler) female perching female perching

Oct 7, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga palmarum
Palm Warbler
(Palm Warbler) front front

May 6, 2015
COD Main Campus

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) perching perching

May 6, 2015
COD Main Campus

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) perching perching

Apr 28, 2017
McDowell Grove Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) perching perching

May 12, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) nonbreeding calls nonbreeding calls

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) nonbreeding profile nonbreeding profile

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) perching perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) perching perching

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) rear rear

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) standing standing

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) perching perching

Apr 28, 2020
Russell R. Kirt Prairie

inaturalist ebird
(Palm Warbler) perching perching

May 6, 2020
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga pensylvanica
Chestnut-sided Warbler
(Chestnut-sided Warbler) female forages female forages

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
(Chestnut-sided Warbler) female frontal female frontal

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
(Chestnut-sided Warbler) female profile female profile

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
(Chestnut-sided Warbler) male frontal male frontal

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga petechia
Yellow Warbler
(Yellow Warbler) perching perching

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow Warbler) singing singing

May 24, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow Warbler) male perching male perching

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga ruticilla
American Redstart
(American Redstart) female ventral female ventral

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male bust male bust

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male front male front

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male juvenile perching male juvenile perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male juvenile profile male juvenile profile

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male perching male perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male profile male profile

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) female front female front

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) female profile female profile

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male male

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male juvenile male juvenile

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Redstart) male perching male perching

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Setophaga townsendi
Townsend's Warbler
(Townsend's Warbler) male male

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
Artamus fuscus
Ashy Woodswallow
(Ashy Woodswallow) flight flight

Jan 17, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  灰燕鵙
(Ashy Woodswallow) pair pair

Jan 17, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
Delichon urbicum
Common House Martin
(Common House Martin) flies flies

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Common House Martin) gathering mud gathering mud

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  白腹毛脚燕
(Common House Martin) mudding mudding

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Common House Martin) standing standing

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
Hirundo rustica
Barn Swallow
(Barn Swallow) feeding feeding

Aug 24, 2013
Wild Ones Field Trip

inaturalist ebird
(Barn Swallow) perching perching

Jan 15, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Barn Swallow) male male

May 29, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Barn Swallow) female calling female calling

Jun 17, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Barn Swallow) male calling male calling

Jun 17, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Barn Swallow) perching perching

Aug 6, 2016
Indiana Dunes, MI

inaturalist ebird
(Barn Swallow) female front female front

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Barn Swallow) female profile female profile

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Barn Swallow) juvenile singing juvenile singing

Jul 6, 2020
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Barn Swallow) sitting sitting

Mar 21, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Hirundo smithii
Wire-tailed Swallow
(Wire-tailed Swallow) flies flies

Jan 16, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Wire-tailed Swallow) flying downstroke flying downstroke

Jan 16, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
Hirundo tahitica
Pacific Swallow
(Pacific Swallow) perching perching

Mar 19, 2024
Maokong, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Cliff Swallow
(Cliff Swallow) dorsal dorsal

May 5, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Cliff Swallow) flight flight

May 5, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
Progne subis
Purple Martin
(Purple Martin) female female

May 24, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Purple Martin) female flying female flying

May 24, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Purple Martin) male chirping male chirping

May 29, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  紫崖燕
(Purple Martin) male flapping male flapping

May 29, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Purple Martin) female flapping female flapping

Jun 14, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  紫崖燕
(Purple Martin) female landing female landing

Jun 14, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Purple Martin) male male

Apr 15, 2018
Cape Hatteras National Seashore, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Purple Martin) male sings male sings

Apr 15, 2018
Cape Hatteras National Seashore, NC

inaturalist ebird
(Purple Martin) subadult female flapping subadult female flapping

May 24, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Purple Martin) subadult female gliding subadult female gliding

May 24, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Purple Martin) juvenile calls juvenile calls

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Purple Martin) male perching male perching

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Ptyonoprogne rupestris
Eurasian Crag Martin
(Eurasian Crag Martin) dorsal dorsal

Oct 11, 2023
Meteora, Greece

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Crag Martin) frontal frontal

Oct 11, 2023
Meteora, Greece

inaturalist ebird
(Eurasian Crag Martin) perching perching

Oct 11, 2023
Meteora, Greece

inaturalist ebird
Pygochelidon cyanoleuca
Blue-and-White Swallow
(Blue-and-White Swallow) flight flight

Jul 19, 2015
Machu Picchu, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Blue-and-White Swallow) flight dorsal flight dorsal

Jul 19, 2015
Machu Picchu, Peru

inaturalist ebird
(Blue-and-White Swallow) flight flight

Jul 20, 2015
Machu Picchu, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
Riparia riparia
Bank Swallow
(Bank Swallow) perching perching

Aug 6, 2016
Indiana Dunes, MI

inaturalist ebird
(Bank Swallow) flight flight

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Bank Swallow) perching perching

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Bank Swallow) profile profile

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) flight flight

May 5, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) perching perching

May 19, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) standing standing

May 24, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) perching perching

May 29, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) calling calling

Jun 14, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) yawning yawning

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) ventral ventral

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Rough-winged Swallow) wings wings

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
Tachycineta albiventer
White-winged Swallow
(White-winged Swallow) perching perching

Oct 17, 2019
Iguazu Falls Argentina

inaturalist ebird
Tachycineta bicolor
Tree Swallow
(Tree Swallow) flaps flaps

Apr 20, 2014
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Tree Swallow) flying flying

Apr 20, 2014
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Tree Swallow) male calling male calling

Apr 4, 2015
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Tree Swallow) male calls male calls

Jun 14, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Tree Swallow) calling flight calling flight

Apr 23, 2017
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Tree Swallow) singing singing

Apr 23, 2017
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Tree Swallow) singing singing

Apr 20, 2019
Springbrook Prairie

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  双色树燕
Tachycineta leucopyga
Chilean Swallow
(Chilean Swallow) flying flying

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Chilean Swallow) perched perched

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  白臀树燕
(Chilean Swallow) rump rump

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
Phylloscopus trochilus
Willow Warbler
(Willow Warbler) perching perching

Oct 15, 2023
Athens, Greece

Curruca curruca
Lesser Whitethroat
(Lesser Whitethroat) lateral lateral

Mar 27, 2023
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Whitethroat) male male

Mar 31, 2023
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel

inaturalist ebird
Sylvia atricapilla
Eurasian Blackcap
(Eurasian Blackcap) male singing male singing

Mar 20, 2018
Catedral de Sevilla, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
Songbirds: 67 species, 237 photos
Certhia americana
Brown Creeper
(Brown Creeper) lateral lateral

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird facebook
Polioptila caerulea
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
(Blue-gray Gnatcatcher) peching peching

Apr 28, 2017
McDowell Grove Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Blue-gray Gnatcatcher) male singing male singing

May 5, 2017
Naperville Riverwalk

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Blue-gray Gnatcatcher) male perching male perching

May 7, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Blue-gray Gnatcatcher) male male

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Polioptila melanura
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
(Black-tailed Gnatcatcher) forages forages

May 28, 2021
Dreamy Draw, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
(Black-tailed Gnatcatcher) female frontaL female frontaL

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Black-tailed Gnatcatcher) female lateraL female lateraL

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Black-tailed Gnatcatcher) female tail female tail

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Black-tailed Gnatcatcher) female ventraL female ventraL

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
Sitta carolinensis
White-breasted Nuthatch
(White-breasted Nuthatch) going down going down

Mar 16, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(White-breasted Nuthatch) posing posing

Mar 16, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(White-breasted Nuthatch) male male

Apr 5, 2015
Naperville Riverwalk

inaturalist ebird
(White-breasted Nuthatch) female feeding female feeding

Dec 4, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(White-breasted Nuthatch) male male

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird facebook
(White-breasted Nuthatch) male male

Apr 2, 2020
Knoch Knolls Park, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
Sitta neumayer
Western Rock Nuthatch
(Western Rock Nuthatch) perching perching

Oct 13, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus
Cactus Wren
(Cactus Wren) feeding chick feeding chick

May 23, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Cactus Wren) juvenile juvenile

May 23, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Cactus Wren) perching perching

May 23, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Cactus Wren) profile profile

May 23, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Cactus Wren) resting resting

May 23, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Cactus Wren) singing singing

May 23, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Cactus Wren) perching perching

Nov 23, 2022
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Cactus Wren) standing standing

Nov 23, 2022
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Cactus Wren) singing singing

Feb 5, 2023
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
Salpinctes obsoletus
Rock Wren
(Rock Wren) profile profile

Jan 17, 2023
Mesa, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
Troglodytes aedon
House Wren
(House Wren) lateral lateral

Jul 11, 2007
Bluff Spring Fen, Elgin

(House Wren) perching perching

Apr 28, 2017
McDowell Grove Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(House Wren) lateral lateral

Oct 17, 2019
Iguazu Falls Argentina

inaturalist ebird
Bombycilla cedrorum
Cedar Waxwing
(Cedar Waxwing) perching perching

Dec 4, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Cedar Waxwing) perching perching

Jun 6, 2016
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Cedar Waxwing) petal petal

May 24, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Cedar Waxwing) singing singing

May 30, 2020

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Cedar Waxwing) feeding feeding

Feb 19, 2022

inaturalist facebook
(Cedar Waxwing) flaps flaps

Feb 19, 2022

inaturalist facebook
(Cedar Waxwing) perching perching

Feb 19, 2022

(Cedar Waxwing) yawning yawning

Feb 19, 2022

inaturalist facebook
Dumetella carolinensis
Gray Catbird
(Gray Catbird) calling calling

May 5, 2017
Naperville Riverwalk

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  灰猫嘲鸫
(Gray Catbird) perching perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Mimus longicaudatus
Long-tailed Mockingbird
(Long-tailed Mockingbird) walking walking

Jul 15, 2015
Lima, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
Mimus polyglottos
Northern Mockingbird
(Northern Mockingbird) flaps dorsal flaps dorsal

Jun 7, 2017
Huntington Library, San Marino

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) flaps ventral flaps ventral

Jun 7, 2017
Huntington Library, San Marino

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) perching perching

Jul 4, 2017
The Lawn On D, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) singing singing

Apr 9, 2018
Ocean City Inlet, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Mockingbird) singing singing

Apr 29, 2019
Cape May Point State Park

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Mockingbird) perching perching

May 10, 2022
Francis S. Taylor WMA, FL

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) calling calling

May 17, 2022
Jekyll Island Causeway, GA

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) singing singing

May 17, 2022
Jekyll Island Causeway, GA

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) singing singing

Jan 25, 2023
Heard Museum, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) standing standing

Feb 4, 2023
Papago Park, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Mockingbird) perching on Creosote Bush perching on Creosote Bush

Feb 20, 2023
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
Mimus saturninus
Chalk-browed Mockingbird
(Chalk-browed Mockingbird) perching perching

Oct 19, 2019
Plaza Lavalle, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Chalk-browed Mockingbird) singing singing

Oct 19, 2019
Plaza Lavalle, Argentina

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Chalk-browed Mockingbird) sings sings

Oct 19, 2019
Plaza Lavalle, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Chalk-browed Mockingbird) standing standing

Oct 19, 2019
Plaza Lavalle, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Chalk-browed Mockingbird) flight flight

Oct 22, 2019
Mendoza, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
Mimus thenca
Chilean Mockingbird
(Chilean Mockingbird) feeding feeding

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
(Chilean Mockingbird) perching perching

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
(Chilean Mockingbird) standing standing

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
Toxostoma curvirostre
Curve-billed Thrasher
(Curve-billed Thrasher) perching perching

Jun 2, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Curve-billed Thrasher) hunched hunched

Dec 25, 2022
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Curve-billed Thrasher) lateral lateral

Dec 25, 2022
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Curve-billed Thrasher) singing singing

Feb 5, 2023
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Curve-billed Thrasher) perching perching

Feb 23, 2024
Mesa, Arizona

Toxostoma rufum
Brown Thrasher
(Brown Thrasher) singing singing

Apr 23, 2017
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  褐矢嘲鸫
Corthylio calendula
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet) flowers flowers

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet) perching perching

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  红冠戴菊
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet) perching perching

Oct 7, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Ruby-crowned Kinglet) male male

Jan 15, 2023
Montezuma Castle National Monument, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Regulus satrapa
Golden-crowned Kinglet
(Golden-crowned Kinglet) leaps leaps

Oct 9, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Golden-crowned Kinglet) perched perched

Oct 9, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Golden-crowned Kinglet) perching perching

Oct 9, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Golden-crowned Kinglet) male male

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird
(Golden-crowned Kinglet) perching perching

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  金冠戴菊
(Golden-crowned Kinglet) walking walking

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird
(Golden-crowned Kinglet) male perching male perching

Oct 7, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Catharus fuscescens
(Veery) perching perching

May 23, 2016
Chicago Northerly Island

inaturalist ebird
Catharus guttatus
Hermit Thrush
(Hermit Thrush) dorsal dorsal

Apr 28, 2016

inaturalist ebird
(Hermit Thrush) ventral ventral

Apr 28, 2016

inaturalist ebird
(Hermit Thrush) standing standing

Apr 21, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird
(Hermit Thrush) trail trail

Oct 7, 2019
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Sialia mexicana
Western Bluebird
(Western Bluebird) male perching male perching

Jan 14, 2023
Bell Rock Trail, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Western Bluebird) female perching female perching

Jul 25, 2024
Palomar Observatory, CA

(Western Bluebird) male perching male perching

Jul 25, 2024
Palomar Observatory, CA

(Western Bluebird) female calling female calling

Aug 3, 2024
LA County Arboretum, CA

(Western Bluebird) female singing female singing

Aug 3, 2024
LA County Arboretum, CA

Sialia sialis
Eatern Bluebird
(Eatern Bluebird) female front female front

Apr 16, 2020
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Eatern Bluebird) female perching female perching

Apr 16, 2020
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Eatern Bluebird) male perched male perched

Apr 16, 2020
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Eatern Bluebird) male perching male perching

Apr 16, 2020
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
Turdus amaurochalinus
Creamy-bellied Thrush
(Creamy-bellied Thrush) standing standing

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
Turdus chiguanco
Chiguanco Thrush
(Chiguanco Thrush) head head

Jul 24, 2015
Cusco, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook wikipedia 
(Chiguanco Thrush) standing standing

Jul 24, 2015
Cusco, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
Turdus falcklandii
Austral Thrush
(Austral Thrush) magellanicus listening magellanicus listening

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
(Austral Thrush) magellanicus perching magellanicus perching

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
(Austral Thrush) magellanicus standing magellanicus standing

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
Turdus merula
Eurasian Blackbird
(Eurasian Blackbird) sings sings

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Eurasian Blackbird) calls calls

Mar 24, 2018
Madrid Prado Museum, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Eurasian Blackbird) standing standing

Mar 24, 2018
Madrid Prado Museum, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Eurasian Blackbird) walking walking

Mar 26, 2018
Barcelona, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
Turdus migratorius
American Robin
(American Robin) male singing male singing

Apr 23, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Robin) feeding feeding

May 18, 2014
Arrowhead Park

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Robin) flying dorsal flying dorsal

May 18, 2014
Arrowhead Park

inaturalist ebird
(American Robin) male calling male calling

Mar 22, 2015
Arrowhead Park

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Robin) male coasting male coasting

Mar 22, 2015
Arrowhead Park

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Robin) male perching male perching

Mar 16, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(American Robin) female perching female perching

Mar 22, 2017

inaturalist ebird
(American Robin) eggs eggs

May 20, 2018

inaturalist ebird
(American Robin) nesting nesting

May 20, 2018

inaturalist ebird
(American Robin) chicks begging chicks begging

May 23, 2018

inaturalist ebird
(American Robin) feeding chick feeding chick

May 23, 2018

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Robin) fecal sac fecal sac

May 25, 2018

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Robin) gliding gliding

Mar 9, 2022

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Robin) propinquus ventral propinquus ventral

Feb 1, 2023
Papago Park, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(American Robin) chicks begging chicks begging

Jun 9, 2024
Arrowhead Park

inaturalist facebook
Turdus pilaris
(Fieldfare) feeding feeding

Jun 11, 2017
St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Fieldfare) stalks stalks

Jun 11, 2017
St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum

inaturalist ebird
(Fieldfare) standing standing

Jun 11, 2017
St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum

inaturalist ebird
Turdus rufiventris
Rufous-bellied Thrush
(Rufous-bellied Thrush) standing standing

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
Baeolophus ridgwayi
Juniper Titmouse
(Juniper Titmouse) foraging foraging

Jan 14, 2023
Bell Rock Trail, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Juniper Titmouse) frontal frontal

Jan 14, 2023
Bell Rock Trail, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Poecile atricapillus
Black-capped Chickadee
(Black-capped Chickadee) perching perching

Apr 5, 2015
Naperville Riverwalk

inaturalist ebird
(Black-capped Chickadee) caterpillar caterpillar

Feb 17, 2016
Hidden Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Black-capped Chickadee) perching perching

Mar 4, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Black-capped Chickadee) perching perching

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Black-capped Chickadee) hanging hanging

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Black-capped Chickadee) perching perching

Oct 13, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Poecile carolinensis
Carolina Chickadee
(Carolina Chickadee) lateral lateral

Apr 11, 2018
Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE

inaturalist ebird
(Carolina Chickadee) rear rear

Apr 11, 2018
Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE

inaturalist ebird facebook
Vireo gilvus
Warbling Vireo
(Warbling Vireo) hanging hanging

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Warbling Vireo) perched perched

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  歌莺雀
(Warbling Vireo) perching perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Warbling Vireo) ventral ventral

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Warbling Vireo) profile profile

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  歌莺雀
(Warbling Vireo) rear rear

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Vireo olivaceus
Red-eyed Vireo
(Red-eyed Vireo) dead dead

Sep 16, 2013
COD Main Campus

inaturalist ebird
Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern Cardinal
(Northern Cardinal) female female

Aug 30, 2008
Maui, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) male sings male sings

May 29, 2014
Molokai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) female female

May 24, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) female female

May 29, 2016
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) female perching female perching

Feb 27, 2017

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) female singing female singing

Mar 22, 2017

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Cardinal) male perching male perching

May 5, 2017
Naperville Riverwalk

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) males display males display

May 12, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Cardinal) male perching male perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) female singing female singing

Mar 10, 2018
COD Main Campus

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Cardinal) male singing male singing

Mar 11, 2018
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Cardinal) male male

May 17, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) female perching female perching

Jun 1, 2021
Canyon Lake, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Cardinal) male feeding male feeding

Jan 28, 2023
Boyce Thompson Arboretum, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Passerina cyanea
Indigo Bunting
(Indigo Bunting) male sings male sings

Jun 29, 2015
Sugarland Run, VA

inaturalist ebird
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
(Rose-breasted Grosbeak) male feeds male feeds

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Rose-breasted Grosbeak) male perches male perches

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Piranga olivacea
Scarlet Tanager
(Scarlet Tanager) male front male front

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Scarlet Tanager) male perching male perching

May 13, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Scarlet Tanager) male perching male perching

May 18, 2017
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Erythrura tricolor
Tricolored Parrotfinch
(Tricolored Parrotfinch) standing standing

Aug 4, 2019
Frederik Meijer Gardens, MI

Lonchura punctulata
Scaly-breasted Munia
(Scaly-breasted Munia) caged caged

Jan 14, 2016
Chiang Rai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
Padda oryzivora
Java Sparrow
(Java Sparrow) pair pair

Aug 30, 2008
Maui, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
Taeniopygia guttata
Zebra Finch
(Zebra Finch) female female

Jan 15, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Zebra Finch) male male

Jan 15, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
Uraeginthus bengalus
Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu
(Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu) male male

Aug 4, 2019
Frederik Meijer Gardens, MI

Acanthis flammea
Common Redpoll
(Common Redpoll) perching perching

Feb 15, 2022

inaturalist ebird
Haemorhous mexicanus
House Finch
(House Finch) male male

May 6, 2014
Russell R. Kirt Prairie

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) male perching male perching

Apr 1, 2017

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) nuptial feeding nuptial feeding

Apr 8, 2017

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Finch) female eating bud female eating bud

Apr 15, 2017

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Finch) male perching male perching

Apr 15, 2017

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) male sings male sings

Apr 24, 2017
Chicago Mark Twain Park

inaturalist ebird facebook
(House Finch) male male

Jun 4, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) juvenile juvenile

Jun 7, 2017
Huntington Library, San Marino

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) female perching female perching

Jul 4, 2017
The Lawn On D, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) female perching female perching

May 23, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) male male

Apr 29, 2022
Mesa, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) female female

Jan 11, 2023
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(House Finch) female perching female perching

Feb 23, 2024
Mesa, Arizona

(House Finch) male singing male singing

Feb 23, 2024
Mesa, Arizona

Serinus canaria
Atlantic Canary
(Atlantic Canary) white white

Aug 4, 2019
Frederik Meijer Gardens, MI

(Atlantic Canary) yellow yellow

Aug 4, 2019
Frederik Meijer Gardens, MI

Serinus serinus
European Serin
(European Serin) male singing male singing

Mar 23, 2018
Alhambra Palace Granada, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(European Serin) male sings male sings

Mar 23, 2018
Alhambra Palace Granada, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
Spinus barbatus
Black-chinned Siskin
(Black-chinned Siskin) perched perched

Oct 24, 2019
Santiago, Chile

inaturalist ebird
Spinus psaltria
Lesser Goldfinch
(Lesser Goldfinch) female profile female profile

Jun 2, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  暗背金翅雀
(Lesser Goldfinch) male profile male profile

Jun 2, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
(Lesser Goldfinch) male side male side

Jun 2, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird youtube
(Lesser Goldfinch) male ventral male ventral

Jun 2, 2021
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Goldfinch) male male

Jan 17, 2023
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
Spinus tristis
American Goldfinch
(American Goldfinch) male singing male singing

May 6, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Goldfinch) male male

Aug 27, 2015
Russell R. Kirt Prairie

inaturalist ebird
(American Goldfinch) male singing male singing

May 17, 2016
COD Main Campus

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Goldfinch) nuptial feeding nuptial feeding

Sep 5, 2016

inaturalist ebird facebook
(American Goldfinch) juvenile juvenile

Oct 6, 2020
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird
(American Goldfinch) female female

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(American Goldfinch) male male

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Fringilla coelebs
Common Chaffinch
(Common Chaffinch) profile profile

Oct 12, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

Motacilla alba
White Wagtail
(White Wagtail) walking walking

Jun 11, 2017
St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum

inaturalist ebird
(White Wagtail) dorsal dorsal

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(White Wagtail) feeding feeding

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird facebook
(White Wagtail) profile profile

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(White Wagtail) running running

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(White Wagtail) profile profile

Oct 12, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

Motacilla tschutschensis
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
(Eastern Yellow Wagtail) taivana dorsal taivana dorsal

Mar 19, 2024
Maokong, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Euplectes franciscanus
Northern Red Bishop
(Northern Red Bishop) male sings male sings

Aug 4, 2019
Frederik Meijer Gardens, MI

Ploceus philippinus
Baya Weaver
(Baya Weaver) nest nest

Jan 12, 2016
Sukhothai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird
Paroaria coronata
Red-crested Cardinal
(Red-crested Cardinal) flight flight

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
(Red-crested Cardinal) flying flying

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

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(Red-crested Cardinal) lateral lateral

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
Sicalis flaveola
Saffron Finch
(Saffron Finch) standing standing

Oct 15, 2019
Copacabana, Leme, Brazil

inaturalist ebird
Sporathraupis cyanocephala
Blue-capped Tanager
(Blue-capped Tanager) perching perching

Jul 19, 2015
Machu Picchu, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
Psaltriparus minimus
(Bushtit) male perching male perching

Jun 4, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Bushtit) female perching female perching

Jun 7, 2017
Huntington Library, San Marino

inaturalist ebird
Eremophila alpestris
Horned Lark
(Horned Lark) male standing male standing

Oct 13, 2022
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Pycnonotus cafer
Red-vented Bulbul
(Red-vented Bulbul) looking looking

May 24, 2014
Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
(Red-vented Bulbul) perching perching

May 24, 2014
Honolulu International Airport, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
(Red-vented Bulbul) lateral lateral

May 30, 2014
Molokai/Honolulu Airport, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
Pycnonotus jocosus
Red-whiskered Bulbul
(Red-whiskered Bulbul) perching perching

Jan 13, 2016
Chiang Rai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird
(Red-whiskered Bulbul) perching perching

Jan 16, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-whiskered Bulbul) perching perching

Jan 17, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird
Pycnonotus sinensis formosae
Taiwan Bulbul
(Taiwan Bulbul) belly belly

Mar 17, 2024
Yehliu Geopark, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) perching perching

Mar 17, 2024
Yehliu Geopark, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) profile profile

Mar 17, 2024
Yehliu Geopark, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) singing singing

Mar 17, 2024
Yehliu Geopark, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) perching perching

Mar 18, 2024
Taipei Zoo, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) pair pair

Mar 19, 2024
Maokong, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) perching perching

Mar 20, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) singing singing

Mar 20, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
(Taiwan Bulbul) perching perching

Mar 21, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Pycnonotus xanthopygos
White-spectacled Bulbul
(White-spectacled Bulbul) perching perching

Mar 26, 2023
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel

inaturalist ebird
(White-spectacled Bulbul) sings sings

Mar 26, 2023
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel

inaturalist ebird
(White-spectacled Bulbul) dorsal dorsal

Mar 27, 2023
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, Israel

inaturalist ebird
Rubigula flaviventris
Black-crested Bulbul
(Black-crested Bulbul) perched perched

Jan 17, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird
Auriparus flaviceps
(Verdin) perching perching

May 1, 2022
Red Mountain Park, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Verdin) lateral lateral

Nov 23, 2022
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(Verdin) perching perching

Jan 17, 2023
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Verdin) frontal frontal

Jan 18, 2023
E Williams Field Rd, Mesa AZ

inaturalist ebird
Zosterops japonicus
Japanese White-eye
(Japanese White-eye) dead dead

May 29, 2014
Molokai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird

Other Fauna Photos mostly from Chicagoland, Illinois.  iNaturalist Bird Songs bird songs
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CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0