Water Birds 1 - Water Birds 2

Seabirds: 23 species, 202 photos
Chlidonias niger
Black Tern
(Black Tern) flight downstroke flight downstroke

Jul 10, 2015
Hebron Trail, McHenry County

inaturalist ebird
(Black Tern) flight upstroke flight upstroke

Jul 10, 2015
Hebron Trail, McHenry County

inaturalist ebird
Chroicocephalus philadelphia
Bonaparte's Gull
(Bonaparte's Gull) floating floating

Apr 14, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Bonaparte's Gull) molting molting

Apr 14, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Bonaparte's Gull) standing standing

Apr 14, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Bonaparte's Gull) nonbreeding flaps nonbreeding flaps

Apr 14, 2018
Lake Crabtree County Park, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Bonaparte's Gull) nonbreeding flying nonbreeding flying

Apr 14, 2018
Lake Crabtree County Park, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Black-headed Gull
(Black-headed Gull) flies flies

Jun 10, 2017
St. Petersburg Zosima Shashkov

inaturalist ebird
(Black-headed Gull) juvenile juvenile

Jun 10, 2017
St. Petersburg Zosima Shashkov

inaturalist ebird
(Black-headed Gull) profile profile

Jun 10, 2017
St. Petersburg Zosima Shashkov

inaturalist ebird
(Black-headed Gull) flying downstroke flying downstroke

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Black-headed Gull) flying upstroke flying upstroke

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Black-headed Gull) liftoff liftoff

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Black-headed Gull) plunges plunges

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Black-headed Gull) snatching snatching

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird facebook
Chroicocephalus serranus
Andean Gull
(Andean Gull) calls calls

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird
(Andean Gull) flying flying

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Andean Gull) juvenile cruising juvenile cruising

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Andean Gull) juvenile dip juvenile dip

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Andean Gull) juvenile gliding juvenile gliding

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Andean Gull) juvenile landing juvenile landing

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
Hydroprogne caspia
Caspian Tern
(Caspian Tern) calling calling

Apr 22, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) diving diving

Apr 22, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) soaring soaring

Apr 22, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) gliding gliding

Apr 10, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Caspian Tern) liftoff liftoff

Apr 14, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) squawking squawking

Apr 14, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) diving down diving down

Apr 28, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) hovering hovering

Apr 28, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) gliding gliding

May 25, 2015
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) calling calling

Apr 12, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) winging winging

Apr 12, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) Bluegill flip Bluegill flip

Apr 24, 2016
Morton Arboretum

inaturalist ebird
(Caspian Tern) fishing fishing

May 2, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) soaring soaring

May 2, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) coasting coasting

Apr 16, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) courtship nuptial gift courtship nuptial gift

Apr 16, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) flies with fish flies with fish

Apr 16, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) mating cloacal kiss mating cloacal kiss

Apr 16, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook youtube
(Caspian Tern) snags fish snags fish

Apr 16, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Caspian Tern) swallows fish swallows fish

Apr 16, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) calling calling

Apr 17, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) calling flight calling flight

Apr 17, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) cruising cruising

Apr 17, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Caspian Tern) swallows fish swallows fish

Apr 17, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Caspian Tern) (catches Goldfish) (catches Goldfish)

Apr 18, 2017
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
Larus argentatus
Herring Gull
(Herring Gull) decapitates fish decapitates fish

May 19, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) swallows fish swallows fish

May 19, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) flapping flapping

May 20, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) foraging foraging

May 20, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) flying flying

Jun 15, 2017
Goritsy Monastery of St. Cyril

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) gliding gliding

Jun 15, 2017
Goritsy Monastery of St. Cyril

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) swimming swimming

Jun 29, 2017
Castle Island, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Herring Gull) calling calling

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) juvenile landing juvenile landing

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) liftoff liftoff

Mar 4, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) calling calling

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) flaps flaps

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird
(Herring Gull) juvenile gliding juvenile gliding

May 2, 2019
Cape May Point State Park

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Herring Gull) (catches Freshwater Drum) (catches Freshwater Drum)

Jan 11, 2022
Fox River South Elgin

inaturalist ebird
Larus belcheri
Belcher's Gull
(Belcher's Gull) basic basic

Jul 16, 2015
Lima, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
Larus californicus
California Gull
(California Gull) feeding feeding

Jun 3, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird facebook
(California Gull) juvenile foraging juvenile foraging

Jun 3, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird facebook
(California Gull) juvenile landing juvenile landing

Jun 3, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(California Gull) glides glides

Jun 5, 2017
San Francisco Botanical Garden

inaturalist ebird
Larus canus
Mew Gull
(Mew Gull) flight flight

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Mew Gull) standing standing

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Mew Gull) calling calling

Jun 14, 2017
Kizhi Church of Transfiguration

inaturalist ebird facebook wikipedia 
(Mew Gull) eats eats

Jun 14, 2017
Kizhi Church of Transfiguration

inaturalist ebird
(Mew Gull) pair calling pair calling

Jun 14, 2017
Kizhi Church of Transfiguration

inaturalist ebird facebook
Larus delawarensis
Ring-billed Gull
(Ring-billed Gull) calling calling

Mar 24, 2014
COD Main Campus

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-billed Gull) basking basking

May 25, 2015
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-billed Gull) flying synchronized flying synchronized

Oct 2, 2015
COD Main Campus

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) flying flying

Mar 4, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) gliding gliding

Mar 4, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) cruising cruising

Mar 26, 2016
National Mall, DC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) juvenile cruising juvenile cruising

Mar 26, 2016
National Mall, DC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) diving diving

May 13, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) juveniles squabbling juveniles squabbling

May 13, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) diving angled diving angled

May 20, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) diving vertical diving vertical

May 20, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) juvenile diving juvenile diving

May 20, 2016
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) flapping flapping

Feb 18, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) gliding gliding

Feb 18, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) juvenile snatches crab juvenile snatches crab

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) gliding gliding

May 16, 2018
Chicago 12th Street Beach

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Ring-billed Gull) diving diving

May 24, 2018
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
Larus dominicanus
Kelp Gull
(Kelp Gull) flap flap

Jul 16, 2015
Lima, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Kelp Gull) glides glides

Jul 16, 2015
Lima, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Kelp Gull) standing standing

Jul 16, 2015
Lima, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
Larus fuscus
Lesser Black-backed Gull
(Lesser Black-backed Gull) calls calls

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Black-backed Gull) head head

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  小黑背鷗
(Lesser Black-backed Gull) liftoff liftoff

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Lesser Black-backed Gull) standing standing

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Black-backed Gull) takeoff takeoff

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
Larus glaucescens
Glaucous-winged Gull
(Glaucous-winged Gull) juvenile snatches clam juvenile snatches clam

Jun 28, 2019
West Point Lighthouse, Seattle

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Glaucous-winged Gull) standing standing

Jun 28, 2019
West Point Lighthouse, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
(Glaucous-winged Gull) flapping flapping

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
(Glaucous-winged Gull) flies flies

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
(Glaucous-winged Gull) flying downstroke flying downstroke

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Glaucous-winged Gull) flying upstroke flying upstroke

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Glaucous-winged Gull) glides glides

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
(Glaucous-winged Gull) hovers hovers

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
(Glaucous-winged Gull) juvenile flies juvenile flies

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
(Glaucous-winged Gull) juvenile flying juvenile flying

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Glaucous-winged Gull) occidentalis glides occidentalis glides

Jun 29, 2019
Bainbridge Island Ferry, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
Larus heermanni
Heermann's Gull
(Heermann's Gull) beach beach

Nov 12, 2016
LaGuna Beach, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Heermann's Gull) flying flying

Nov 12, 2016
LaGuna Beach, CA

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Heermann's Gull) head head

Nov 12, 2016
LaGuna Beach, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Heermann's Gull) juvenile juvenile

Feb 11, 2024
La Jolla Tide Pools, CA

inaturalist ebird
Larus marinus
Great Black-backed Gull
(Great Black-backed Gull) (swallows Acadian Rockfish) (swallows Acadian Rockfish)

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) calling calling

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Great Black-backed Gull) juvenile calling juvenile calling

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) juvenile calls juvenile calls

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Great Black-backed Gull) snatches fish snatches fish

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) flying downstroke flying downstroke

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) flying upstroke flying upstroke

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) juvenile flaps juvenile flaps

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Great Black-backed Gull) juvenile glides juvenile glides

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Great Black-backed Gull) juvenile hovering juvenile hovering

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) juvenile landing juvenile landing

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) landing landing

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook youtube
(Great Black-backed Gull) soaring soaring

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) squabbling squabbling

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Great Black-backed Gull) standing standing

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Great Black-backed Gull) walking walking

Jul 1, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Great Black-backed Gull) ventral ventral

Apr 10, 2018
Assateague Island National Seashore, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
Larus michahellis
Yellow-legged Gull
(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile calling juvenile calling

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile glides juvenile glides

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile lands juvenile lands

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile standing juvenile standing

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile walking juvenile walking

Mar 18, 2018
Alfama, Lisbon Portugal

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) glides glides

Mar 22, 2018
Torremolinos, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) flaps flaps

Mar 26, 2018
Barcelona, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) landing landing

Mar 26, 2018
Barcelona, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) splashdown splashdown

Mar 26, 2018
Barcelona, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) swimming swimming

Mar 26, 2018
Barcelona, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) profile profile

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-legged Gull) swimming swimming

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile feeding juvenile feeding

Oct 13, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile standing juvenile standing

Oct 13, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

(Yellow-legged Gull) swimming swimming

Oct 16, 2023
Mykonos, Greece

(Yellow-legged Gull) cruising cruising

Oct 19, 2023
Santorini, Greece

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-legged Gull) gliding gliding

Oct 19, 2023
Santorini, Greece

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-legged Gull) juvenile flaps juvenile flaps

Oct 19, 2023
Santorini, Greece

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-legged Gull) snatching snatching

Oct 19, 2023
Santorini, Greece

inaturalist ebird
(Yellow-legged Gull) swimming swimming

Oct 19, 2023
Santorini, Greece

inaturalist ebird
Larus occidentalis
Western Gull
(Western Gull) standing standing

Nov 12, 2016
LaGuna Beach, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Western Gull) juvenile gliding juvenile gliding

Jun 3, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Western Gull) standing standing

Jun 5, 2017
San Francisco Botanical Garden

inaturalist ebird
(Western Gull) feeding feeding

Jun 28, 2019
West Point Lighthouse, Seattle

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Western Gull) lands lands

Jun 28, 2019
West Point Lighthouse, Seattle

inaturalist ebird
(Western Gull) calling calling

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) juvenile flapping juvenile flapping

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) juvenile flying downstroke juvenile flying downstroke

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) juvenile flying upstroke juvenile flying upstroke

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) juvenile landing juvenile landing

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) juvenile sitting juvenile sitting

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) juvenile soaring juvenile soaring

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) standing standing

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) walking walking

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Western Gull) standing standing

Feb 11, 2024
La Jolla Tide Pools, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Western Gull) juvenile juvenile

Feb 12, 2024
Torrey Pines Gliderport, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Western Gull) standing standing

Feb 12, 2024
Torrey Pines Gliderport, CA

inaturalist ebird
Leucophaeus atricilla
Laughing Gull
(Laughing Gull) calling calling

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  笑鷗
(Laughing Gull) flapping flapping

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Laughing Gull) flying flying

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Laughing Gull) gliding gliding

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Laughing Gull) landing landing

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Laughing Gull) standing standing

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird
(Laughing Gull) drinking seawater drinking seawater

May 2, 2019
Cape May Point State Park

inaturalist ebird
Rynchops niger
Black Skimmer
(Black Skimmer) flock flock

May 15, 2022
Everglades Flamingo, FL

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
Sterna forsteri
Forster's Tern
(Forster's Tern) flight flight

Jun 4, 2017
Anza Lagoon, CA

inaturalist ebird
(Forster's Tern) flapping flapping

Apr 11, 2018
Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Forster's Tern) flying flying

Apr 11, 2018
Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Forster's Tern) standing standing

Apr 12, 2018
Assawoman Bay State Wildlife Area, DE

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Forster's Tern) flaps flaps

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird
(Forster's Tern) liftoff liftoff

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Forster's Tern) nonbreeding nonbreeding

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Forster's Tern) standing standing

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird
(Forster's Tern) calling flight calling flight

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Forster's Tern) dives dives

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird
(Forster's Tern) hovering hovering

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Forster's Tern) nonbreeding nonbreeding

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird
(Forster's Tern) cries cries

May 2, 2019
Cape May Point State Park

inaturalist ebird
(Forster's Tern) flies flies

May 2, 2019
Cape May Point State Park

inaturalist ebird
Sterna hirundo
Common Tern
(Common Tern) profile profile

Jun 10, 2017
St. Petersburg Zosima Shashkov

inaturalist ebird
(Common Tern) crying flight crying flight

Jun 14, 2017
Kizhi Church of Transfiguration

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Common Tern) crying nest crying nest

Jun 14, 2017
Kizhi Church of Transfiguration

inaturalist ebird facebook
Thalasseus maximus
Royal Tern
(Royal Tern) calling calling

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Royal Tern) flight flight

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
(Royal Tern) liftoff liftoff

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird
(Royal Tern) standing standing

Apr 17, 2018
Rodanthe Public Beach, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Royal Tern) standing standing

May 8, 2022
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

inaturalist ebird
Phaethon rubricauda
Red-tailed Tropicbird
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) calling flight calling flight

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) courtship fly backwards courtship fly backwards

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 維基百科    红尾热带鸟
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) flapping flapping

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) flying frontal flying frontal

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) flying rear flying rear

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) flying smooth flying smooth

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) hovering flying backwards hovering flying backwards

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird facebook wikipedia 維基百科    红尾热带鸟
(Red-tailed Tropicbird) tailless tailless

May 31, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
Waterfowl and Such: 54 species, 228 photos
Amazonetta brasiliensis
Brazilian Teal
(Brazilian Teal) female female

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
(Brazilian Teal) male male

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
Anas acuta
Northern Pintail
(Northern Pintail) female female

Mar 21, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Anas crecca
Green-winged Teal
(Green-winged Teal) male sitting male sitting

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird
(Green-winged Teal) female female

Apr 16, 2018
Bodie Island Light Station, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Green-winged Teal) male male

Apr 16, 2018
Bodie Island Light Station, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
Anas flavirostris
Yellow-billed Teal
(Yellow-billed Teal) duo duo

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Yellow-billed Teal) oxyptera oxyptera

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  黃嘴鴨
Anas platyrhynchos
(Mallard) males flying males flying

Apr 23, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Mallard) female juvenile calling female juvenile calling

Jul 17, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) synchronized mooning synchronized mooning

Mar 28, 2015
Herrick Lake Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) female landing female landing

Feb 13, 2016
Fox River South Elgin

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) male flying downstroke male flying downstroke

Apr 14, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) male flying upstroke male flying upstroke

Apr 14, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) male flying downstroke male flying downstroke

May 5, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) male flying upstroke male flying upstroke

May 5, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) ducklings ducklings

May 11, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) pair calling flight pair calling flight

May 19, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) female female

Jun 18, 2017
Moscow, Russia

inaturalist ebird
(Mallard) female walking female walking

Mar 25, 2018
Madrid, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mallard) male male

Mar 16, 2024
Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Anas platyrhynchos domesticus
Domestic Mallard
(Domestic Mallard) standing standing

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Domestic Mallard) quacking quacking

Jan 11, 2016
Ayutthaya, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Domestic Mallard) Khaki Campbell Khaki Campbell

Jan 16, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Domestic Mallard) white white

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Domestic Mallard) white white

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Anas zonorhyncha
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
(Eastern Spot-billed Duck) female female

Mar 21, 2024
Penghu, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Dendrocygna autumnalis
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
(Black-bellied Whistling-Duck) pair pair

May 13, 2022
Wakodahatchee Wetlands, FL

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 
Mareca americana
American Wigeon
(American Wigeon) male male

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) female female

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) male male

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) male head male head

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) female female

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) male male

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) female female

Feb 1, 2023
Papago Park, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) male male

Feb 1, 2023
Papago Park, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
(American Wigeon) male male

Mar 3, 2023
Amarillo Medical Center Park

Mareca strepera
(Gadwall) female female

Apr 16, 2018
Bodie Island Light Station, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Gadwall) male male

Apr 16, 2018
Bodie Island Light Station, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Gadwall) female female

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
Spatula clypeata
Northern Shoveler
(Northern Shoveler) flight flight

Apr 11, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

(Northern Shoveler) female swimming female swimming

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Shoveler) male swimming male swimming

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Shoveler) male swims male swims

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Shoveler) female female

Apr 12, 2018
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Shoveler) male male

Apr 12, 2018
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Northern Shoveler) female head female head

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Shoveler) male head male head

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Shoveler) flight flight

Mar 17, 2020
Timber Lake, West Chicago

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Shoveler) male male

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Shoveler) male mooning male mooning

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Northern Shoveler) male foraging male foraging

Jan 30, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Spatula cyanoptera
Cinnamon Teal
(Cinnamon Teal) female standing female standing

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(Cinnamon Teal) male standing male standing

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(Cinnamon Teal) male swimming male swimming

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
Spatula discors
Blue-winged Teal
(Blue-winged Teal) flight flight

Apr 11, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

(Blue-winged Teal) pair pair

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird facebook
Aythya affinis
Lesser Scaup
(Lesser Scaup) male male

Mar 12, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Scaup) male male

Apr 20, 2019
Springbrook Prairie

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Scaup) pair pair

Apr 20, 2019
Springbrook Prairie

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Scaup) male male

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Lesser Scaup) male dives male dives

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Aythya americana
(Redhead) pair pair

Mar 7, 2015
Chicago North Avenue Bridge

inaturalist ebird
Aythya collaris
Ring-necked Duck
(Ring-necked Duck) male male

Dec 14, 2022
Saguaro Lake, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-necked Duck) female female

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-necked Duck) female dives female dives

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-necked Duck) male male

Jan 7, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-necked Duck) female female

Jan 30, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-necked Duck) male male

Jan 30, 2023
Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch, AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Ring-necked Duck) male male

Feb 1, 2023
Papago Park, Phoenix

inaturalist ebird
Aythya ferina
Common Pochard
(Common Pochard) male diving male diving

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook wikipedia 
(Common Pochard) male swimming male swimming

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Common Pochard) male swims male swims

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird
Netta peposaca
Rosy-billed Pochard
(Rosy-billed Pochard) female female

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
(Rosy-billed Pochard) male male

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
Netta rufina
Red-crested Pochard
(Red-crested Pochard) male sitting male sitting

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-crested Pochard) male swimming male swimming

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird
Aix sponsa
Wood Duck
(Wood Duck) male eclipse male eclipse

Jun 29, 2009
Naperville Riverwalk

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) female female

Apr 5, 2020
Lexus Pond, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) male male

Apr 5, 2020
Lexus Pond, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) male swims male swims

Apr 5, 2020
Lexus Pond, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) pair pair

Apr 5, 2020
Lexus Pond, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) female female

May 8, 2020

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Wood Duck) male male

May 8, 2020

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) male bust male bust

May 8, 2020

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Wood Duck) female female

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) male male

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(Wood Duck) male male

May 17, 2023
Chicago Montrose Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Cairina moschata domestica
Domestic Muscovy Duck
(Domestic Muscovy Duck) standing standing

Jun 2, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
(Domestic Muscovy Duck) standing standing

Jul 18, 2015
Urubamba, Peru

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Domestic Muscovy Duck) standing standing

Jan 15, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Domestic Muscovy Duck) standing standing

Mar 19, 2018
Sao Francisco Church, Evora Portugal

inaturalist facebook
(Domestic Muscovy Duck) trio trio

Oct 12, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

(Domestic Muscovy Duck) sitting sitting

Mar 16, 2024
Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan

inaturalist ebird
Bucephala albeola
(Bufflehead) swimming swimming

Apr 11, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

(Bufflehead) pair pair

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird facebook
Bucephala clangula
Common Goldeneye
(Common Goldeneye) male flaps male flaps

Jan 6, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Common Goldeneye) female fish female fish

Feb 19, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Common Goldeneye) female takeoff female takeoff

Feb 19, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Common Goldeneye) male calls male calls

Feb 26, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Common Goldeneye) female female

Feb 17, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
Lophodytes cucullatus
Hooded Merganser
(Hooded Merganser) female female

Apr 1, 2020
St. James Farm, Winfield

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  棕胁秋沙鸭
(Hooded Merganser) male male

Apr 1, 2020
St. James Farm, Winfield

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  棕胁秋沙鸭
(Hooded Merganser) male male

Apr 3, 2020
St. James Farm, Winfield

inaturalist ebird
(Hooded Merganser) male male

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(Hooded Merganser) male male

Mar 3, 2023
Amarillo Medical Center Park

Mergus merganser
Common Merganser
(Common Merganser) female flight female flight

Mar 26, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Common Merganser) flight flight

Mar 26, 2014
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Common Merganser) male flying male flying

Mar 8, 2020
Timber Lake, West Chicago

inaturalist ebird facebook
Mergus serrator
Red-breasted Merganser
(Red-breasted Merganser) female female

Apr 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Red-breasted Merganser) female diving female diving

Apr 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-breasted Merganser) juvenile juvenile

Apr 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Red-breasted Merganser) male display male display

Apr 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook youtube wikipedia 維基百科    红胸秋沙鸭
(Red-breasted Merganser) male dives male dives

Apr 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Red-breasted Merganser) male diving male diving

Apr 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-breasted Merganser) female female

Feb 10, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Red-breasted Merganser) male male

Feb 10, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Red-breasted Merganser) male diving male diving

Feb 10, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-breasted Merganser) female female

Feb 11, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Red-breasted Merganser) female diving female diving

Feb 11, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-breasted Merganser) female plunging female plunging

Feb 11, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-breasted Merganser) female diving female diving

Apr 7, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Red-breasted Merganser) female floating female floating

Apr 7, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Red-breasted Merganser) male male

Apr 10, 2018
Assateague Island National Seashore, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
Anser albifrons
Greater White-fronted Goose
(Greater White-fronted Goose) swimming swimming

Jun 13, 2017
Svir River Mandrogi, Russia

inaturalist ebird
Anser anser domesticus
Domestic Greylag Goose
(Domestic Greylag Goose) standing standing

Mar 19, 2018
Sao Francisco Church, Evora Portugal

inaturalist facebook
(Domestic Greylag Goose) Emden Emden

Oct 12, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

(Domestic Greylag Goose) swimming swimming

Oct 12, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

Anser caerulescens
Snow Goose
(Snow Goose) swimming swimming

Apr 5, 2015
Naperville Riverwalk

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Snow Goose) skein skein

Mar 5, 2016
Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge

inaturalist ebird
Anser cygnoides domesticus
Domestic Swan Goose
(Domestic Swan Goose) pair pair

Jan 19, 2016
Siem Reap, Cambodia

inaturalist facebook
Branta canadensis
Canada Goose
(Canada Goose) female turning eggs female turning eggs

May 3, 2003
Ogden Mall

inaturalist ebird
(Canada Goose) nest nest

May 3, 2003
Ogden Mall

inaturalist ebird
(Canada Goose) family family

May 6, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) flying flying

May 7, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) gliding gliding

Sep 25, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Canada Goose) calling calling

Oct 2, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) flying downstroke flying downstroke

Oct 2, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) flying upstroke flying upstroke

Oct 2, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) gliding gliding

Oct 2, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) honking honking

Nov 19, 2015
Danada: Rice Lake

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) gosling flapping gosling flapping

Apr 29, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) gosling flies gosling flies

Apr 29, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) goslings goose stepping goslings goose stepping

Apr 29, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Canada Goose) family family

May 22, 2016
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) calling calling

Sep 26, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) squawking squawking

Sep 26, 2016
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Canada Goose) pair honking pair honking

Feb 18, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
Branta hutchinsii
Cackling Goose
(Cackling Goose) standing standing

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(Cackling Goose) walking walking

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
Branta sandvicensis
Hawaiian Goose
(Hawaiian Goose) pair calling pair calling

Jun 2, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  夏威夷雁
(Hawaiian Goose) walking walking

Jun 2, 2014
Kauai, Hawaii

inaturalist ebird
Coscoroba coscoroba
Coscoroba Swan
(Coscoroba Swan) pair pair

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
Cygnus buccinator
Trumpeter Swan
(Trumpeter Swan) flap flap

Nov 3, 2015
Danada: Rice Lake

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Trumpeter Swan) pair pair

Nov 3, 2015
Danada: Rice Lake

inaturalist ebird facebook
Cygnus olor
Mute Swan
(Mute Swan) cruising cruising

Nov 13, 2015
Danada: Rice Lake

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mute Swan) flapping flapping

Nov 19, 2015
Danada: Rice Lake

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Mute Swan) takeoff takeoff

Nov 19, 2015
Danada: Rice Lake

inaturalist ebird
(Mute Swan) floating floating

Apr 27, 2019
Cape May Point State Park

inaturalist ebird
(Mute Swan) flaps flaps

Apr 11, 2020
DuPage County

inaturalist ebird
(Mute Swan) head head

Apr 11, 2020
DuPage County

inaturalist ebird
(Mute Swan) pair pair

Apr 11, 2020
DuPage County

inaturalist ebird
(Mute Swan) swimming swimming

Oct 12, 2023
Nafpaktos, Greece

Oxyura jamaicensis
Ruddy Duck
(Ruddy Duck) female female

Apr 28, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
(Ruddy Duck) male male

Apr 28, 2015
Danada Forest Preserve

inaturalist ebird
Alopochen aegyptiaca
Egyptian Goose
(Egyptian Goose) drinking drinking

Aug 4, 2024
Legg Lake, CA

(Egyptian Goose) floating floating

Aug 4, 2024
Legg Lake, CA

(Egyptian Goose) preening preening

Aug 4, 2024
Legg Lake, CA

(Egyptian Goose) standing standing

Aug 4, 2024
Legg Lake, CA

Chauna torquata
Southern Screamer
(Southern Screamer) standing standing

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird
Gavia immer
Common Loon
(Common Loon) swimming swimming

Apr 10, 2018
Assateague Island National Seashore, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
Gavia stellata
Red-throated Loon
(Red-throated Loon) nonbreeding sleeping nonbreeding sleeping

Apr 16, 2018
Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, NC

inaturalist ebird
(Red-throated Loon) nonbreeding swimming nonbreeding swimming

Apr 16, 2018
Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, NC

inaturalist ebird facebook
Aechmophorus occidentalis
Western Grebe
(Western Grebe) swimming swimming

Oct 26, 2018
San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary

inaturalist ebird
(Western Grebe) swimming swimming

Oct 27, 2018
Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  西鸊鷉
Podiceps auritus
Horned Grebe
(Horned Grebe) (swallows Yellow Perch) (swallows Yellow Perch)

Mar 18, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding diving nonbreeding diving

Mar 18, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding diving down nonbreeding diving down

Mar 18, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook youtube
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding paddling nonbreeding paddling

Mar 18, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Horned Grebe) molting molting

Apr 8, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Horned Grebe) floating floating

Apr 15, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding diving nonbreeding diving

Mar 24, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding diving down nonbreeding diving down

Mar 24, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding floating nonbreeding floating

Mar 24, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding swimming nonbreeding swimming

Mar 24, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird
(Horned Grebe) nonbreeding diving nonbreeding diving

Apr 7, 2017
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
Podiceps nigricollis
Eared Grebe
(Eared Grebe) swimming left swimming left

Mar 22, 2018
Torremolinos, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Eared Grebe) swimming right swimming right

Mar 22, 2018
Torremolinos, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Eared Grebe) swimming swimming

Apr 19, 2018
Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve, OH

inaturalist ebird facebook
Podilymbus podiceps
Pied-billed Grebe
(Pied-billed Grebe) juvenile juvenile

May 26, 2021
Papago Park, Arizona

inaturalist ebird
(Pied-billed Grebe) frontal frontal

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(Pied-billed Grebe) lateral lateral

Oct 25, 2022
Amarillo Medical Center Park

inaturalist ebird
(Pied-billed Grebe) swimming swimming

Mar 3, 2024
Phoenix Zoo, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Rollandia rolland
White-tufted Grebe
(White-tufted Grebe) swims swims

Oct 20, 2019
Costanera Sur, Argentina

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  白簇鸊鷉
Tachybaptus ruficollis
Little Grebe
(Little Grebe) (Cambarid Crayfish) (Cambarid Crayfish)

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Little Grebe) diving diving

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook 維基百科  小鸊鷉
(Little Grebe) fighting fighting

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Little Grebe) swimming swimming

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird facebook
Anhinga anhinga
(Anhinga) female prone female prone

May 11, 2022
Everglades Shark Valley, FL

inaturalist ebird
(Anhinga) female upright female upright

May 11, 2022
Everglades Shark Valley, FL

inaturalist ebird
(Anhinga) feeding feeding

May 12, 2022
Wakodahatchee Wetlands, FL

inaturalist ebird
(Anhinga) female perching female perching

May 12, 2022
Wakodahatchee Wetlands, FL

inaturalist ebird
(Anhinga) male cooling male cooling

May 12, 2022
Wakodahatchee Wetlands, FL

inaturalist ebird
(Anhinga) male cooling male cooling

May 13, 2022
Wakodahatchee Wetlands, FL

inaturalist ebird
(Anhinga) male perching male perching

May 14, 2022
Everglades Royal Palm, FL

inaturalist ebird
Gulosus aristotelis
European Shag
(European Shag) basking basking

Oct 15, 2023
Athens, Greece

(European Shag) swimming swimming

Oct 17, 2023
Mykonos, Greece

Nannopterum auritus
Double-crested Cormorant
(Double-crested Cormorant) flying flying

May 6, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Double-crested Cormorant) flapping flapping

May 22, 2016
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Double-crested Cormorant) floating floating

May 22, 2016
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird
(Double-crested Cormorant) flying flying

May 22, 2016
Whalon Lake, Naperville

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Double-crested Cormorant) diving diving

Aug 19, 2016
Chicago Monroe Harbor

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Double-crested Cormorant) swimming swimming

Jun 5, 2017
San Francisco Botanical Garden

inaturalist ebird
(Double-crested Cormorant) diving diving

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Double-crested Cormorant) swimming swimming

Jun 30, 2017
Fish Pier, Boston

inaturalist ebird
(Double-crested Cormorant) basking basking

Apr 8, 2018
Ocean City Sunset Park, MD

inaturalist ebird facebook
(Double-crested Cormorant) standing standing

May 8, 2022
St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge

inaturalist ebird
Nannopterum brasilianum
Neotropic Cormorant
(Neotropic Cormorant) basking basking

Oct 13, 2019
Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Brazil

inaturalist ebird
(Neotropic Cormorant) cooling cooling

Oct 13, 2019
Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Brazil

inaturalist ebird wikipedia 維基百科    斑翅鸬鹚
(Neotropic Cormorant) skimming skimming

Oct 13, 2019
Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Brazil

inaturalist ebird 維基百科  斑翅鸬鹚
(Neotropic Cormorant) swimming swimming

Oct 13, 2019
Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, Brazil

inaturalist ebird
(Neotropic Cormorant) snorkeling snorkeling

Apr 30, 2022
Riparian Preserve, Gilbert AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Neotropic Cormorant) swimming swimming

Apr 30, 2022
Riparian Preserve, Gilbert AZ

inaturalist ebird
(Neotropic Cormorant) standing standing

Mar 3, 2024
Phoenix Zoo, AZ

inaturalist ebird
Phalacrocorax carbo
Great Cormorant
(Great Cormorant) basking basking

Mar 27, 2018
Delta del Llobregat, Spain

inaturalist ebird
Urile pelagicus
Pelagic Cormorant
(Pelagic Cormorant) diving diving

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

(Pelagic Cormorant) floating floating

Oct 27, 2023
Santa Monica Beach, CA

Urile penicillatus
Brandt's Cormorant
(Brandt's Cormorant) Bird Rock Bird Rock

Nov 12, 2016
LaGuna Beach, CA

inaturalist ebird

Other Fauna Photos mostly from Chicagoland, Illinois.  iNaturalist Bird Songs bird songs
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CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0