344 of 1042 SPRINGBROOK/2014_09_26   Sep 27, 2014 Springbrook Prairie   HIDDEN/2014_09_29 346 of 1042
(Oblique Streaktail) female hovering
Oblique Streaktail
Allograpta obliqua
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(Oblique Streaktail) male hovering
Oblique Streaktail
Allograpta obliqua
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(Common Eastern Bumble Bee) pollen basket
Common Eastern Bumble Bee
Bombus impatiens
(Familiar Bluet) male flying
Familiar Bluet
Enallagma civile
(Locust Borer) lateral
Locust Borer
Megacyllene robiniae
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(Stiff Goldenrod)
Stiff Goldenrod
Solidago rigida
Common Eastern Bumble Bee hovering pollen basket on New England Aster
Common Eastern Bumble Bee
Bombus impatiens
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Common Eastern Bumble Bee hovering pollen baskets on New England Aster
Common Eastern Bumble Bee
Bombus impatiens
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Biotic species by taxon: Beetles, Flies, Hymenoptera, Dragonflies

Peter 2.0 root Root inaturalist 8 photos this page; 1 new species.
CC BY 4.0 photographer: Peter Chen 2.0